Psychic Tarot Readings
Mission Statement
My aim is to inspire you to align with your Inner Self, in the Body/Mind/Spirit connection and bring your Spirit to the fore front, to work through you, as you.
Psychic Tarot readings work on the Law of Magnetic Attraction. Whatever thought, attitude or feelings you have, they are stored in your subconscious mind. Tarot is a tool to access the subconscious mind, as in being a mirror of your soul.
Subconscious fears sabotage your success. The Tarot reading brings them to the conscious mind for reflection, re-evaluation and healing. Tarot affords you to learn and grow beyond your fears so you may access the voice of your heart, your Inner Self.
Ask about any issue in your life
♥ Discover your direction in life
♥ Improve your relationships
♥ Resolve personal issues
♥ Achieve financial freedom and well-being
♥ Learn how to trust your intuition and others
♥ Achieve clarity and assurance in making the right choices
♥ Develop confidence and self-esteem
♥ Receive detailed guidance on problem solving
♥ How to access your Inner Wisdom
♥ Learn how to trust the voice of your heart/Inner Self (Intuition)
♥ Recognise what and where you may be sabotaging yourself
♥ Break out of your old limiting patterns of behaviour
♥ Release limiting beliefs and attitudes
♥ Develop Self-confidence and self-esteem
♥ Make choices from love, not fear
♥ Re-define your identity in Spirit
Gain important tools to help you cope with life’s challenges. Here are some of the courses Carolyn offers. Tarot provides guidance and clarity for self-empowerment and assisting others. Theta Technique™ helps to improve your self-esteem and clear limiting beliefs. It is therefore, a powerful tool for setting healthy boundaries, which is especially relevant for dealing with issues such as energy vampires. Reiki is a powerful universal energy for healing physical and psychological ailments. By using it, you can administer (or receive) its gentle and calming power to heal. Learn the age-old technique of Mediation. Through this technique, you will learn how to reach a state of peace and serenity. There are many more courses Tarot by Carolyn has to offer. Enquire today on our Contact page.